Brixton Learning Academy Math program is individualized to meet the different learning needs of students. Through assessments, we determine mathematical skills students are struggling with and we build a unique math program that’s derived from students’ prior knowledge and focuses on helping students excel in their mathematics skills based on grade level.

Our math program is designed based on Ontario math curriculum and is delivered by Ontario certified teachers.

We have been influenced and inspired by Marian Small; the former dean of education at the university of New Brunswick. She has experience teaching students and other teachers for more than 35 years.

“Mathematic is best learned when students are actively engaged in constructing their own understanding. This is only likely to happen in settings that emphasize on rich problem solving and exchange of many approached to mathematical situations”
(Marian Small - Making Math Meaningful)

Grade 1 Math Learning Goals
Grade 2 Math Learning Goals
Grade 3 Math Learning Goals

Number Sense and Numeration:

compose and decompose three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones
solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit and three-digit numbers
round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten

measure distance in kilometre
understand and measure mass in kilograms and litres

measure area and perimeter in variety of ways include grid papers

Geometry and Spatial Sense:
create, identify and compare different polygons
identify and compare different angles

identify flips, slides, and turns

Patterning and Algebra:
identify and describe number patterns involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication
graph various patterns and sequences

Data Management and Probability:
interpret and draw conclusions from data presented in charts, tables, and graphs
predict the frequency of an outcome in a simple probability experiment

Grade 4 Math Learning Goals

Number Sense and Numeration:

understand place value and decimal numbers
round four-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand
learn to compare and order fractions
solve problems involving addition and subtraction of four-digit numbers
multiply and divide two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers

understand the relationship between various units of length (i.e., millimetre, centimetre, decimetre, metre, kilometre)
estimate and measure using variety of tools, including centimetre grid paper and geoboards

estimate and determine elapsed time

Geometry and Spatial Sense:
identify various angles and their measurement in degrees
identify and describe two and three-dimensional figures

locate various objects using a grid system

Patterning and Algebra:
identify and explain repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication
find the missing number in equations involving multiplication of one and two-digit numbers

Data Management and Probability:
collect and display data using charts, tables, and graphs
predict and evaluate the outcome of probability experiments

Grade 5 Math Learning Goals

Number Sense and Numeration:

round decimal numbers to the nearest tenth
multiply two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers
divide three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
multiply decimals numbers

measure and record temperature over time
measure the area and the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons

learn to apply conversions between different units of measurement
compare and order objects based on volume and capacity

Geometry and Spatial Sense:
identify and describe various angles, including acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles
perform and describe translation, reflections, and rotations

identify prisms and pyramids by their nets

Patterning and Algebra:
identify numeric and geometric patterns
understand variables using equations with letters and other symbols
find the missing number in various equations

Data Management and Probability:
read and interpret conclusions from primary and secondary data
identify and describe methods used for various data
utilize charts, tables and graphs to organize data

Grade 6 Math Learning Goals

Number Sense and Numeration:

compare and order proper and improper fractions
solve problems involving the multiplication and division of four- digit numbers
add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal numbers
print and order numbers up to 1000 000

solve problems involving conversion from larger to smaller metric units
solve problems involving the calculations of volume and surface area

Geometry and Spatial Sense:
sort quadrilaterals by geometric properties including symmetry, angles, and sides
measure and construct various angles up to 180°

sketch, using isometric dot papers

Patterning and Algebra:
create and describe patterns using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
create repeating patterns that result from rotations
solve problems that use two or three symbols or letters as variables

Data Management and Probability:
compare different graphical representations of the same data

Grade 7 Math Learning Goals

Number Sense and Numeration:

compare and order decimals
identify and order integers
represent quantity using fractions, decimals, and percents
understand perfect square roots
divide whole numbers by fractions and by decimal number
add and subtract fractions and integers
solve problems involving whole number percents and unit rates

conversion between metric units of measure
conversion between metric units of area

determine the area relationship for a trapezoid and prisms

Geometry and Spatial Sense:
sort and classify triangles and quadrilaterals by geometric properties
create parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines

create angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors
understand relationships among congruent shapes
sort and compare similar and congruent shapes
describe and perform dilations
plot points using all four quadrants

describe the transformation involved in tiling a plane

Patterning and Algebra:
represent and make predictions about linear growing patterns
represent a linear growing pattern algebraically
model constant rates in real life situations using graphs and algebraic expressions

translate simple mathematical phrases into algebraic format
find the missing term in a pattern algebraically
solve linear equations using various tools

Data Management and Probability:
record and organize categorical, discrete, and continuous primary and secondary data
display data using relative frequency tables and circle graphs
determine the relationship between changes in value and changes in central tendency
represent probability involving two separate events

Grade 8 Math Learning Goals

Number Sense and Numeration:

represent multiplication using exponents
compare, and order rational numbers
solve problems involving whole numbers and decimals
solve problems involving percents expressed to one decimal place (e.g.12.5%) and whole-number percents greater than 100 (e.g. 115%)
multiply and divide fractions and integers
perform operations using brackets and exponents
multiply and divide decimal numbers by various powers of ten
estimate the positive square roots of whole numbers
solve problems involving proportions

conversions involving metric units of area, volume, and capacity
measure the circumference, radius, and diameter of circular objects

determine formulas for the volume and the surface area of a cylinder

Geometry and Spatial Sense:
sort quadrilaterals by geometric properties, including diagonals
constructing circles with specific instructions

studying the relationships among similar shapes, including area, perimeter, side lengths and angles
angle relationships for intersecting lines, for parallel lines and transversals
solve problems about triangles involving angles
learning about Pythagorean relationship, using variety of geometrical tools

faces, edges, and vertices of a polyhedron
graph set of points, on the Cartesian coordinate plane after applying a transformation to the original point

Patterning and Algebra:
represent the general term of a linear pattern
connecting algebra to real-life situations
model linear relationships using tables of values, graphs, and equations

replace mathematical statements into algebraic equations
use variables to substitute fractions, decimals, and integers
solve and verify linear equations involving a one-variable term using “balance” model

Data Management and Probability:
display data using frequency tables with intervals, histograms, and scatter plots
compare sets of data using appropriate measure of central tendency
use appropriate data management tools to compare two attributes
compare experimental and theoretical probabilities

Math Spartans Program

(session = 1 hr)
2 sessions/week.
Total of 8 sessions/month